Sunday, April 10, 2011

Grandma's Recipe Box

My Grandmother's death has changed my life.  Two years ago I was working as a teacher in Brooklyn.  Although I was expecting my second child in a few months I was incredibly unhappy with my life.  I hated my dream job of teaching, living in New York and being so far away from my family.

My family traveled to Michigan to visit our family for Christmas.  Everyone met at my Grandmother's new apartment.  Grandma was doing well.  We had a pot luck style dinner and enjoyed each other's company.  Grandma enjoyed some time holding her youngest Great-grandchild.

We had just gotten back to New York from Michigan when I got the news.  I booked the next flight back to Michigan so I could attend the funeral.

On my way back to New York our flight was delayed.   Thankfully Rosa was so easy going.  A woman who was sitting close to me commented that she was going to miss her baby whom she had left at home with her husband.  We got to talking.  It was her who had convinced me that I should follow my heart and move back to Michigan where our family would be so much happier.  I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Today, I decided to go through a bag of things my grandmother had packed for me.  There is a blanket that needs to be finished and somehow I got Grandma's recipe cards.  Before I moved back to Michigan I didn't cook.  I hated it.  But having more time and patience it is something I enjoy quite a bit.  How ironic that somehow Grandma knew I would just love to have the recipes.  I'm so excited to have them that I'm going to share them with you:)

Time has had its way with some of them.  They are a little moldy and some of the ink has bled to the point where the recipe is not legible.  I would hate for the recipes to be lost forever.

So here is the first one in the box:

Salmon, peach and Noodle Casserole

cook 2 cups noodles
drain, combine and heat with
10 1/2 oz can of Mushroom soup
7 3/4 oz salmon (bones and skin removed)
8 1/2 oz can of peas
1 t. salt
1 t. accent  ** I have no idea what this is
1/8 t. pepper
Serves 4

I'm thinking I need to try this one out (minus the mushroom soup per hubby's allergies) and give you some more details...

I hope you enjoy.


  1. Accent is a seasoning. We have some.

  2. Thanks Rachel!!! I figured as much, but never saw it before.
